We give our sincerest thanks and appreciation to those individuals who made our programming possible through their generous contributions and support.
- Fred and Nancy Teichert
Author Sponsor
- The James and Susan McClatchy Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
- What’s Your Point? Workplace Writing Consultants
- Arts & Business Council
Brett Richard Daly - Tim Davis Creative
- Dome Printing
- Michelle & Bruce Gordon
- John & Judie Panneton
- Suzette Riddle & Tim Davis
- Jean Runyon Endowment for the Arts Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
- Bob Slobe & Kim Mueller
- Dale Stark & Carlos Alcala
- Tapa the World
- Terri Thomas
- Ray Tretheway
- Bogle Vineyards
- Roxanne & Bill Davis
- Grant, Jacki, & Renee Gibson
- Debra Johnson MD & Mario Gutierrez
- Sheree & David Meyer
- Dan Morain
- Susie Owens
- Ruth Crane & Anthony Rayner
- Tim & Barbara Flanigan
- Elizabeth Foremaster
- Sands Hall
- Daniel C. Kim & Lynn Paquin
- Nancy & Glen Michel
- Maggie Roth
- David Alois & Jacqueline Embs
- Donald Blair
- Donna W. Chipps
- Paula C. Collins
- T. Cordova
- Alice Corley
- Jane Frybarger
- Darien Davis
- Dr. Tim McHargue & Lynette Diem
- Carolyn G. Foland
- Frances Freitas
- Richard Gould & Michelle Masoner
- Chris Hine
- Kathryn Hohlwein
- Rose King
- Land Park Tree Service
- Kathleen Les & Harold Thomas
- Patricia Levin
- Carol Malinowski
- Sean & Sabine McCarthy
- Carlin Naify
- Gale Okumura
- Bill & Diana Proctor
- James Randlett & Laurie E. Nelson
- Mary Rimsans
- Tom & Mary Rotelli
- Pauline & Fred Schack
- Judith Sheingold
- Loretta Smith & Dave Combies
- Maria Stefanou
- The Stroud Family
- Margaret Teichert and Oleg Kaganovich
- Belinda Vicars
- Catherine & Thomas Vigran
- Deborah Walburg
- Jan & Buzz Weisenfeld
- Pamela Yazell
- JoAnn Anglin
- Heather Baron
- Barbara Colton
- Denise Gottlieb
- Geri Hart
- Andrea Javist
- Naomi Keller
- Daniel & Diane Kennedy
- Mariellen Layne
- Pamela Lynch
- Michael & Renee Malaki
- Julie Maxwell-Jolly
- Alberta Nassi
- John O’Neal
- David & Susan Post
- Fred & Pauline Schack
- Donna Selnick
- Sarah Smith
- Sally Spenker
- Sandy Warmington
- Marny Wasserman
- Deidre Wilson
- Joanna Zadra